We’re all pilgrims here on Earth. We came from somewhere. We’re brought here for the purpose of worshipping God and serve humanity as keepers to one another. We’re going somewhere after the existence here. Our destination is determined by the way we play our Divine assignment here. There’s a Righteous Judge who determines our positions. There are only two endpoints to this journey — heaven and hell. There’s no third endpoint. Heaven is real and hell is real. In heaven, you have everlasting life with the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God, the Saviour of mankind, the Way,the Light and the Truth, Jesus Christ . In hell, you have eternal regret and torment under the dominion of Satan and his cohorts . This is neither a dream or a film. It’s real, very real.
Choose Jesus Christ and His Kingdom today. Be not deceived for there’s no other mediator between God and man. False teachers and false doctrines are enticements to hell.
Man is made from dust and the breath of God. Dust will return to dust. The spirit and soul of man returns to God for judgement.
Give your life to Jesus Christ now. Be a disciple. Join the Saints to fight the battle of faith as satanic kingdom is eroded and depopulated.
God bless you. Your labour shall not be in vain, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.