I KINGS 21 : 15 – 16.

  1. As soon as Jezebel received the message, she said to Ahab, ” Naboth is dead. Now go and take possession of the vineyard which he refused to sell to you.”
  2. At once Ahab went to the vineyard to take possession of it.

MARK 8 : 36 – 37

36. Do people gain anything if they win the whole world but lose their life ? Of course not !

37. There is nothing they can give to regain their life.


A bunch of morons: miserable lots; beguiled by heresies; consumed by greed; hypocrites seeking to ” take the Kingdom by force”, the antiChrist forces parading as disciples of Jesus Christ engage in satanic manipulations to accumulate stupendous wealth and power.

At what cost ? At the cost of your soul ?
” The end justifies the means” political juggernauts: machiavellian; avaricious; arrogant; uncanny; you have made maiming, killing and oppression your trademark; you have taken possession of the land by brutal force and treachery; the victims of your inhumanity exist in penury and graveyards while you live in stinking opulence and obscene glitters of power. At what cost ? At the cost of your soul ?
Your business acumen; hawkish nature; avarice; self-centeredness; persuasiveness and ungodly deeds have been rewarded with splendour. You are the societal toast and knees bow in fear before you. Your maxim is “money is supreme”. The Almighty God has no space in your heart. Your wealth is to annihilate and terrorize the ‘lesser beings’. At what cost ? The cost of your soul ?
You are the ‘battle axe’ of the ungodly; the ‘vessel of dishonour’ of the infamous rich and powerful: you kill, maim and destroy others at the whims of your sponsors; sadistic, you relish in inflicting pain on your victims and shedding the blood of the innocent delights you. You have achieved notoriety as “the assassin” and greatly sought after by workers of iniquities who have largely compensated you with riches and certain privileges including immunity from prosecution. At what cost ? At the cost of your soul ?
It must be emphasized again and again that our stay on earth is temporary. The earth was not designed by God to be permanent. At the Divinely appointed time, this world will be folded up and mankind will come face to face with the Creator to give account of our earthly deeds. The antiChrist forces will end up in the satanic kingdom of everlasting regrets and the saved, through Jesus Christ, will inherit God’s Kingdom of everlasting peace. Jesus Christ has given mankind the roadmap from here to eternity. Without Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we can never please God in the end. Jesus Christ is the Way to God’s Kingdom.This is just the plain truth for no other being had ever claimed that honour. None.
Trust not in worldly glitters. Trust Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit will then come and stay in you to make you holy and acceptable to God because on our own we cannot overcome the destructive power of the flesh. No matter how far you have gone into evil living, there is an opportunity to repent right now and accept Jesus Christ into your life. He never rejects anyone who comes to Him.
God count me not among the eternally doomed, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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