31.Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don’t yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude.

32. Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. (CEV).

The ability to forgive those who wrong us is one of the greatest difficulties in the life of humans. Many relationships that could have become great have ended because of the inability to forgive grievances. Priceless friendship have ended because of failure to exhibit this great attribute of God -forgiveness. Marriages have become divorces because of inability to forgive. Murders have been committed because of inability to forgive. Beautiful homes and families have become hellish and suffocating because of the inability to forgive. Nations have fought nations because of the inability to forgive. It is unfortunate that the act of unforgiveness has led to the breakup of many Christian fellowship, a group that is saddled with the responsibility of showcasing the attributes of forgivenes. A popular maxim says, ” An eye for an eye makes the world go blind”.
It is a common manifestation to hear, read and see the atrocities committed all over the world in the name of revenge. It has, therefore, become of paramount importance to remind ourselves this day of the urgent need to forgive one another since as human beings we are bound to step on one another’s toes.
To forgive is to give a favour without attaching any conditions to it; it’s the ability to restrain oneself from punishing an offender for sins committed.
We need to forgive one another considering the fact that God forgave us our sins at a great expense — the horrific sacrifice of His begotten Son for the redemption of our sins.
Broken relationships are restored through forgiveness.
The Bible makes it clear that we can only stay forgiven if we forgive others.
Forgiveness is a great attribute of love. In fact, Jesus Christ pointed out that we are to forgive not minding the number of times we have to.
Forgiveness comes before healing. We cannot heal the physical, emotional and spiritual injuries we suffer until we forgive the perpetrators of such inimical acts.
God commanded us to forgive instead of seeking revenge; instead of bearing a grudge. Therefore, only the disobedient children refuse to forgive.
When you refuse to forgive, you hurt yourself by allowing the hurt to remain in your memory.
To be true disciples of Jesus Christ, we must learn to forgive one another even as God has forgiven us.
In order to mature in the ability to forgive and forget, we must always be ready to examine and admit our part in the conflict. We must pray for the enabling grace to always forgive and forget when offended by someone.
Beloved, the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is very close.
There’s urgent need to intensify our evangelical activities but how can we be effective, fruitful if we cannot exhibit the important attribute of forgiveness.
Make amends today and you will become physically healthier and free in spirit .

Colossians 2:13; 3:13
Ephesians 4:31-32
1 John 1:9
Romans 3:23-26
Matthew 18:23-35
Like 17:3-4.

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).




PSALM 118:24-25

24:This day belongs to the Lord!
Let’s celebrate and be glad today.

25: We’ll ask the Lord to save us!
We’ll sincerely ask the Lord to let us win.

It is a new day. Today is neither yesterday nor tomorrow. Today may be my last day on earth, so I will treat today as a special day. I cannot afford to spend the time I have today to count the misfortunes of yesterday for of what good will that be for me? The defeats and pains of yesterday must stay away with yesterday. The wounds of yesterday cannot be made whole again. My age yesterday can neither be the same today nor can I become younger today. Yesterday is gone with her thrills, pains, success, failure, victories, defeats, joy and sorrow. I can neither live yesterday again nor bring yesterday today. I will think no more of yesterday.
I will neither think of yesterday nor tomorrow. Today may be my last day on earth, and I cannot handle tomorrow’s activities today for today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow. Each day has it’s assignments and peculiarities. It is impossible to give birth to tomorrow’s child today. Tomorrow’s death can neither kill today nor the events of tomorrow happen today. Why then must I torment myself with tomorrow? I will rather live this day as if it is my last on earth.
This day is all I have. I woke up from sleep like a prisoner on death row pardoned. Many who were there yesterday are not here today, but I am here. I must appreciate God who gave me another chance to live. I will relish the warmth of the sun, the breeze of the wind, the pale moonlight, the blue sky, the starry night and I will enjoy the magnificent scenery all around me. I will lovingly embrace each second of today for it may be my last. Each hour of today is priceless to me and I cannot afford to misuse it. I will work hard today as if there’s no other day to work. I will love today and I will forgive all today, for today may be my last day on earth. I will do the work of an evangelist today for the Great Commission to win souls for the Kingdom of God and destroy the stronghold of satan was Divine assignment given to me. I will be a co-labourer in vineyard and I will bring succour to the despairing, the afflicted. I will be the Apostle of the Gospel for it may be the reason why I have the chance to live today.
And if I die not today, I will give glory to my sustainer– the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God.

Lamentations 3:22-24

  1. The Lord’s kindness never fails!
    If he had not been merciful,
    we would have been destroyed.
  2. The Lord can always be trusted
    to show mercy each morning.
  3. Deep in my heart I say, “The Lord is all I need ;
    I can depend on him! “.
    Matthew 6:34

Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.

Isaiah 43:18-19

18.Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past.

  1. Iam creating something new. There it is! Do you see it?

Beloved, forget yesterday, you can’t change it. Have no anxiety about tomorrow for it may never come. What happened in the past is past. What you have is today God says that He is doing a new thing and it is springing forth now.

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).




TEXT: GENESIS 17:5, 15 — 17.

  1. ” No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. “
  2. God also said to Abraham, ” As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai, her name will be Sarah.
  3. I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her. “
  4. Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety? “

Satan takes great delight in making mockery of our shortcomings; our Achilles heels. Our tears of sorrow bring him immense satisfaction. Our pains amount to his gains. Our garments of reproach give him an air of superiority over our affairs. Our stagnancy, retardation, redundancy and despondency give him delusions of grandeur. Satan becomes boisterous when he sees our desperation, insecurity, doubt and trepidation. The mission of satan is to kill, maim and destroy; to frustrate the glorious intentions of God for His Children.
God loves His children beyond human comprehension. The affliction of a child of God is similar to the refining of gold. It is permitted so that God will bring a refined and golden child out from the furnace of affliction. It is allowed to manifest for the purpose of turning gloom to bloom.
Abram was ninety years old and Sarai was far into the menopausal stage and already tagged with the “barren” label when God decided to showcase His omnipotence. God announced to the despairing Abram that He was changing the names of the couple : Abram became Abraham (father of a multitude) and Sarai became Sarah ( mother of nations).
The seeming absurdity of the situation perplexed Abraham who wondered how God could be so melodramatic. In fact, Abraham laughed at the idea of his wife giving birth to a child when she was already passed the age of childbearing.
A change of names and the tag of sorrowful barrenness was replaced with the hymns of praise because the awesome and able God fulfilled His promises without stress. I declare that God is intervening in your sordid situations right now, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
When God changes a person’s name with a new one, He establishes a new identity for the person.
A change of name wipes out past shortcomings and allows for a fresh start under a new name.
A change of name signifies that the ruling factor will no more be the background or past but the glorious future.
A change of name makes also for a change in mindset: from negative, defeatist to positive, victorious.
A change of name by God is a way to reveal Divine plans and fulfilment.
A change of name provides us with spiritual strength we might not have known we possess.
Abraham and Sarah became fulfilled after the change of names : I declare that the God of this Ministry, Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach), who affirms that He is doing a new thing for us this year will surely manifest Himself in our dire situations to bring forth great and exciting testimonies, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 18:14a
Is anything too hard for the Lord?

I am convinced that nothing is too hard for the Lord, therefore I am confident that you will celebrate with me for I will be celebrated, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Seek the kingdom of God by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in His word. Do the work of an evangelist.

I can SEE a new thing springing forth in your life. I SEE your reproach turning into commendation. I SEE your stigma turning into honour. I SEE your disrespect turning into veneration. I SEE your condemnation turning into laudation. I SEE your opposition turning into validation. I SEE your filthy garment turning into shining and glorious garment of fulfilment. I SEE you bearing a NEW NAME that silences antagonism, enthrones you and brings honour to God , in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).


Message from the Altar
Devotional Service 10/01/2021
Text: 2Kings 6:17
“Then he prayed” Lord, please help him to see”. And the Lord let the servant see that the hill was covered with fiery horses and flaming chariots all around Elisha. (CEV)

Psalm 66:5
Come and see the fearsome things our God has done! (CEV)

 In Isaiah 43:19, the Lord says, "see, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land". (NIV) 
 God wants you to see what He is doing. God is spiritual. He is speaking in the spiritual to the spiritual being. The natural man sees only the physically evident; the spiritual man  looks into the spiritual realm and sees the mysteries hidden there.  
  The natural man sees an object when natural light shines on it. The natural eyes see the reflected light and signals the brain for interpretation. The interpretation given by our brain produces knowledge in our consciousness.
  The spiritual man sees and discerns the happenings around him through the supernatural light of the Holy Spirit. In both instances the greater the amount of light, the more you are able to see and identify the object on which the light reflects. 
   Beloved, for you to fully key into what God is doing  right now,  you need the illumination that comes only from the Holy Spirit and the word of God.
  How to be illuminated:
  • Stay in the presence of God continually through worship, prayer and obedience to God’s commandments.
  • Look unto Jesus Christ. When we behold Him, we become partakers of Divine nature.
  • Do not look at your situation with doubts and trepidation
  • Do not look back at the world like Lot’s wife who became a pillar of salt. Her disbelief made her perish instead of being delivered from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Look for your place in the vineyard, for it needs labourers.
  • Look at the birds of the air and God’s provisions for them. Are you not of much more value to him?
  • Look at the finished work of Christ on Calvary for healing and deliverance.
  • Look at what God is doing NOW. God is doing a new thing. It is springing up. Open your eyes and SEE the great and miraculous changes positively uplifting and establishing you.
  • Have faith in God’s promises. God is faithful and awesome in magnanimity.
    God will surely magnify us this year in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).


I’m inspired to assure you that you and your household shall neither be slaves in their habitations nor their blood shed as rituals to appease the gods of the heathen, for the Omniscient God shall confound the enemies of your prosperity and enlargement rendering their evil conspiracies ineffective while lifting you up from grass to grace, dust to glory and from nobody to a colossus. It is manifesting right now.
I’m moved to remind you that you are somebody; that you are unique ; that you are created for a great purpose; that you are not a coincidence; that while what others think about you may matter, the ultimate lies in what you think about yourself, in your state before your Creator. Never permit people and circumstances distract you from Divine goals.
I’m touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit to admonish you to remain steadfast in the Lord; to be courageous in the face of worldly affliction in the course of serving the Lord as diabolical arrows fired at those protected by Divinity always boomerang for no iniquities are found in such to anchor the annihilating weapons of the mischievous.
Therefore, let the weary hands be lifted up. Let the feeble knees be strengthened. Let diminishing hope reinvigorate. Let the downhearted rejoice. Divine provisions are inexhaustible. God is doing a new thing in your life right now. Your jeers are changing to cheers, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.


Message from the Altar
Devotional Service. Sunday 3/01/2021.


( ISAIAH 43:19 A)

 God is doing a new thing in the lives of his people right now. We're the privileged members of God's family. 
 The world will be moving away from God; the world will be rushing to take the mark of the beast; the world will be challenging God to vent his anger and pour his fury. Satan and his cohorts are already having plans to frustrate God's beautiful programme for his children. 

But, the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church.
There’s a need for the children of God to mobilise fully for the great revival that will glorify Him and enthrone them.
Are you ready for God to do a new thing in your life?
For the members of Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach), I hereby present to you the motto for year 2021 :
(ISAIAH 43:19A).

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).


Message from the Altar 02/01/2021
Text: Isaiah 43:18-19
18:” Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.
19″ See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”. (NIV)

 Deserts bring to mind arid and dry lands;  drought and abandonment.
 Wasteland epitomizes degraded forests, overgrazed and drought - struck pastures; barrenness. 
 A way in the desert and streams in the wasteland signify hope and restoration. 
 God is saying" forget the ugly and unproductive past,  I am doing a new thing."
 If you are tired of your sordid past and crave for a new life of holiness;  if you are yearning for a new beginning and faithfully hoping for God to do a new thing in your life, then rejoice in the Lord for answered prayers : God is doing a new thing.  
 God is asking you to forget your past mistakes and sins and to stop condemning yourself over them.  
 God is asking you to stop evaluating what you experienced in the past as your yardstick for what you are about to experience. 
 God is saying that the glory of the past cannot be compared with what He is doing right now in terms of the magnitude and freshness. 
 God is giving his people a second chance; a revival; a restoration; a vision for enthronement.
 There is a need for you to open up your spiritual eyes and see what God is doing right NOW. Key into the revelation for a great and glorious new thing is going to spring up in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ. 
 The Holy Spirit will open our eyes to God's new thing as it springs up in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

References: Jeremiah 29:11-14, John 7:37-39, Ezekiel 47:1-5

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).


“Listen, you rulers of Israel! You are supposed to be concerned about justice, yet you hate what is good and you love what is evil. You skin my people alive and tear the flesh off their bones. You eat my People up. You strip off their skin, break their bones, and chop them up like meat for the pot. The time is coming when you will cry out to the LORD, but he will not answer you. He will not listen to your prayers, for you have done evil.
My people are deceived by prophets who promise peace to those who pay them, but threaten war for those who don’t. To these prophets the Lord says, “Prophets, your day is almost over; the sun is going down on you. Because you mislead my people, you will have no more prophetic visions, and you will not be able to predict anything. Those who predict the future will be disgraced by their failure. They will all be humiliated because God does not answer them. ” Micah 3:1-7. GOOD NEWS BIBLE.
Though, the message was for Israel of then it is now applied to the temporal and spiritual leaders of Nigeria ! Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit of the LORD ALMIGHTY says. Let them REPENT of their SINS and do the will of the Creator who has magnified them, and who can bring them down in disgrace.
I have said my piece. God bless Nigeria.


Message from the Altar
Sunday Devotional Service. 27-12-2020.
Proverbs 30:7-9.

7.There are two things, Lord,
I want you to do for me before I die :
8.Make me absolutely honest
and don’t let me be too poor or too rich.
Give me just what I need.
9.If I have too much to eat, I might forget about you;
If I don’t have enough,
I might steal and disgrace your name. (CEV).

The above Biblical reference states a part of the sayings and the message of Agur son of Jakeh. I find it most appropriate for the mindset towards the coming year 2021, the beginning of another decade, if Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, tarries.
There’s need for the children of God to curb the insatiable appetite for ephemeral glitters. There’s an urgent need to think more about the hereafter more than ever before. What the whole world witnessed in 2020 in terms of wars, pestilences and natural and man-made disasters point towards the fulfillment of endtime prophesies; towards the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
It is time to ask God for the spirit of Contentment. It’s time to be thankful for God’s merciful provisions. It is time to stop impoverishing others, depriving people of their inheritance for personal aggrandizement. It is time to stop injustice and unrighteousness in all our undertakings. It is time to be our brothers’ keepers. It is time to meditate deeply and come to full understanding of the fact that excessive accumulation of unhealthy riches is vanity. It is time to stop the senseless violence and corruption that are obviously consuming the peace of the land.
It is time to come back to God in spirit and in truth. The end of everything is steadily and certainly getting closer. Of what use will be your obscene material accumulations if you die without Jesus Christ to lead you home? Of what use will be your political attainment if you miss heaven? Of what use will be your much vaunted anointing if you end up in hell-fire?
As we celebrate the end of the pandemic year, let us be sober, thankful and be more resolute in seeking God and aspiring to do His will. May the Holy Spirit guide and empower us to be heavenly bound, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
God , empower me to be honest in all my dealings; help me to be fruitful in my labour and grant me the grace of contentment, in Jesus Christ’s name.


For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).


Message from the Altar 25/12/2020
TEXT: JOHN 3:16-18
16.”God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.
17.God did not send his son to the world to condemn it’s people. He sent him to save them!
18.No one who has faith in God’s son will be condemned. But everyone who doesn’t have faith in him has already being condemned for not having faith in God’s only son. (CEV)

   The above verses of the Holy Bible refer to Jesus Christ, God incarnate. When man sinned in the garden of Eden through disobedience he became disconnected from God and faced eternal damnation as punishment for his disobedience. Every effort of man to reconnect with God could only achieve temporary reprieve as Satan held man captive and dominated his affairs as he groped in hellish darkness. 

“The law says that almost everything must be sprinkled with blood, and, no sins can be forgiven unless blood is offered.” Hebrews 9:22
So, man offered blood of animals as sacrifice for the atonement of sins but the exercise fell short of Divine requirement.
But, God loved the people of this world so much that He had mercy on them by sending the sinless Christ to redeem, once and for all times, the sinful man. Jesus Christ, the lamb of God came as the light to show the way to God. He suffered death on the cross for our sins. He accomplished the work of redemption. When we believe in Him, we are freed from our sins and saved from eternal damnation.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will come again to gather to His Kingdom those who believe in Him; those that are delivered from eternal judgement.
There is no other way to escape eternal damnation than to have faith in Jesus Christ redemptive work; accept him as Lord and saviour; and be obedient to his commandments.
Surrender your life wholeheartedly to the Way, the Truth, the Light, the Word and the Lamb of God– Jesus Christ.
As the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, we must bear in mind that ultimate love forms the basis of our relationship with God. God forgave us because of His great love for us. We must learn to forgive and love one another even as Jesus Christ laid down his life in sacrificial love.
Merry Christmas to you all. May we be rapturable, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

For counselling, prayers and interpretation of dreams :

Whatsapp :+234 8037172308
e-mail :
mobile no. 08037172308 , 08141887911

Host Pastor: Michael Gbemiga Abiodun
Re-birth Christian Ministry (International Outreach).