“…..Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” 2Chronicles 20:20. The pervading atmosphere is sodden with misery : You are physically exhausted. You are socially ostracized. You are hurting. Your endeavours have met with stiff opposition. Your friends have deserted you. You are alone, submerged in pangs of abandonment. Your foes exhibit their disdain for you remorselessly. Your vision is blurred and your glimmer of hope has faltered. You are stigmatized. You hate looking into the mirror as life becomes gloom and despondency. You are in dilemma, in shackles and at your wits’ end. Suicidal thoughts becloud your spirit and your faith in God diminishes as you become the object of ridicule, a point of reference to cynics. But, I am led by the Spirit of the Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent God to declare to you that it is not over for you; that the battle is not your own; that you won’t fight this battle; that you must neither be frightened nor terrified; that you must no more be sorrowful but thankful; that the awesome faithfulness of God will fight for you: and that you will indeed sing a new song, a song of unfathomable victory. Therefore, wipe away the tears; rejoice in faith and prepare for your great testimonies and celebrations. It is established, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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